Alex Schumacher Consulting

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Start by starting.

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu

So I start by starting. For nearly 20 years I’ve been helping tech companies build cool products, create lasting customer relationships and tell their story in interesting ways. I’ve loved it and I’ve learned a few things along the way. Now I’m focused on bringing my experience, energy, passion and know-how to companies who want to improve how they market their business.

I’ve always found inspiration in the old sales adage: “People buy from people they like and people they trust.” Mainly because it grounds me in what matters most as a marketer: We’re talking to people; we’re trying to make an emotional connection with them; and we’ve got to demonstrate our ability to help them get something really important done.

And yes, marketing is selling–and needs to show results.

So I’ve started to help marketers take their brand to the next level by focusing on the businesses they want to buy their stuff. Making sure the marketer is clear about who they are, what they do and why they’re different. At the same time, understanding the person they are selling to, why that person is in the market and showing that their solution and company is the best option to address that person’s need.

I’ll use my blog as a space to share my ideas, opinions and expertise. Mostly I’ll discuss marketing technology, processes and trends I find meaningful to our industry. I can’t guarantee that you’ll be blown away with every post. I can promise I won’t waste your time and that you’ll get practical ideas that you can use.

For now, I'm just going to start, and I look forward to figuring the rest out with you as I go. I'm always available when you want to talk.